About the VGBRA

Classic VGBRA Members of 1962
In the spring of 1961, the President of the Washington Barrel Racing Association came to Walla Walla to hold a meeting of girls interested in barrel racing. To encourage participation, a regional awards system was set up and at the close of the season, top ten awards were given. The area encompassed interested girls from both Oregon and Washington who were competing in the Walla Walla Valley. A saddle was given to the “Walla Walla Regional Barrel Racing Champion, in 1961. The following year, a formal group was organized to be known as the Valley Girls Barrel Racing Association. A junior division was set up. Shodeos were held to raise money for awards. Saddles and top ten awards were given. In 1977, the Valley had grown enough so that a third division was formed. Awards were given in the junior, senior, and open divisions.
In 1995 the Novice Horse Division was added. 1998 saw the addition of another division, the HONORS. VGBRA secures a saddle to be given to the Overall Champion. Gold Card member, Shirley Dickerson, donates a gorgeous portrait to our Reserve Over All Champion. The first Barrel Daze weekend was held in 1979 with the first futurity being added in 1981. These two events, held together, have grown to be among the largest of their kind in the Northwest. Members of VGBRA, “run the barrels” in many types of competition, (WBRA, OBRA, WPRA, ICA, NIRA, PWRA, NPRA, AQHA, Junior, High School, College, and Pee Wee Rodeo Associations, and at the Pioneer Posse) but at home they are united in a common cause…..good barrel racing!