Barrel News Updates

Rule Proposals: 

Rule proposals for 2024
  1. 1. Count points for Saturday and Sunday of Barrel Daze for both open and novice divisions. Barrel Daze is held outside out boundary at Moses Lake but this event is ours main money maker for the club that supports the wonderful year-end awards. We need to support Barrel Daze by would have to enter the main race as we will not have a point race only option.
  2. 2. Let members buy two memberships for the open 5d class for two different horses. The member would receive points on the two fast times at a race. You would be eligible for two year-end awards.
  3. 3. Add setting up and cleaning up at the year end banquet to the existing rule #8 under membership that currently states that each member is required to work two shifts throughout the year at VGBRA produced races including (gates,drivers,barrel setters, announcers, ect) this would give the members that can’t work a race another to full fill the required work obligation so they don’t get the $50 fine.
  4. 4. Don’t count down barrels as a no time for junior and novice division only. This would allow them to still receive points if they hit a barrel.
  5. 5. Get rid of rule #13 under General rules that states a member must attend 1/3 of the races approved to be eligible for year end awards.

Annual Meeting:

Annual Meeting will be held September 24, 2024 at 6:00 pm at the Holiday Inn Express in Walla Walla. New rule proposals and election of officers!

BOBO Connection Series 

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Barrel Racing Report
Barrel Racing Report

Click the buttons below to download Membership and/or Novice Nomination Form.

2023 Membership Form

2023 Novice Nominations




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