Jackpot in Senior Saturday   
                               1D Placings                                  
   1st 13.844 $206.40         Kelley Petrak on Frosted French Silk          
   2nd 14.132 $174.15         Jill Atkinson on LZK Dashus Valentina         
   3rd 14.180 $135.45         Viki Friedrich on Blaze Ta Thunder            
                               2D Placings                                  
   1st 14.396 $139.32         Julie Williams on Streaking NHollywood        
   2nd 14.403 $116.10         Karen Gleason on Red Bull Look                
   3rd 14.431 $ 92.88         Jackie Culham on Sum Extra Cash               
   4th 14.475 $ 69.66         Cathy Morgan on Jets Blazin Fame              
   5th 14.512 $ 46.44         Elaine Watt on Jonis Fame                     
   6th 14.569                 Tammy Ivins on Perks Two Bit Dash             
   7th 14.592         1394    Sue Ruzicka on Rare French Babe               
   8th 14.621                 Sheri Vea on Dazzling Daisy Duke              
   9th 14.660                 Brina Holden on WC Sweet Investment           
  10th 14.703                 Max Haylett on Handsome Child                 
  11th 14.711                 Melissa Bieber on LDS Shadaisy                
  12th 14.821                 Yo Curtis on Tyrones Sienna Wind              
                               3D Placings                                  
   1st 14.852 $118.68         Linda Lowe on Ten Pana Gold                   
   2nd 14.853 $ 98.90         Carol Jones on Dods A Queen                   
   3rd 14.901 $ 79.12         Max Haylett on Jess Chilaxin                  
   4th 14.909 $ 59.34         Kandi Hansen on Turbo Look                    
   5th 14.921 $ 39.56         Barbara Goss on CE Silver Lining              
   6th 14.924                 Stacey Rule on CP Shawne                      
   7th 14.939                 Sue Gibbs on Keeper                           
   8th 14.981                 Wendy McCaffree on Fast Eddie Bug             
   9th 15.012                 Andrea Saracco on Keep Watch N Me             
  10th 15.057                 Jeannette Etchebarne on LF Soon to Be Famous  
  11th 15.089                 Mary Avery on Juno Sheza Captain "Marley"     
  12th 15.091                 Sheila Manley on Perks Avenger                
  13th 15.103                 Rae Lynn Hays on Zans Echol Pine              
  14th 15.116                 Phyllis Owens on Investers Decision           
  15th 15.122                 Dana Gregg on Joey Boonsmall Doc              
  16th 15.148                 Tammy Pachl on Ba-Bandit                      
  17th 15.186                 Jeannette Etchebarne on HG Tainis Eagle       
  18th 15.304                 Tana Riley on TJs Overtime                    
  19th 15.313                 Yo Curtis on Chickamoon Frost                 
                               4D Placings                                  
   1st 15.418 $103.20         Tana Riley on Diesel                           
   2nd 15.481 $ 86.00         Kym VanBergen on WD Cash Check Or Charge      
   3rd 15.586 $ 68.80         Kim Thompson on RJs True Stardust             
   4th 15.675 $ 51.60         Dick Seamands on PT Cartels Effort            
   5th 15.698 $ 34.40         Cindy Rice on Cappy "B"                       
   6th 15.701                 Yo Curtis on Tys Jersey Girl                  
   7th 15.946                 Stephanie Ryan on Bayonet Biankus             
   8th 16.030                 Charlene Ulrich on NorfleetsSmokinAce         
   9th 16.035                 Nikki Fisher on Miss French Biancus           
  10th 16.069                 Barbara Jones on Judge John Henry             
  11th 16.505                 Cathy Morgan on Jets Chasin Fame              
  12th 16.544                 Holly Hoff on Docs Painted Remedy             
  13th 16.936                 Henniemar Schak on Sonitas Last Gun           
  14th 16.946                 Teri Miller on Avastin                        
  15th 17.126                 Rosie Gallaher on Poco Cash Dash              
  16th 17.759                 Kathy McClure on Northern Dancer              
  17th 32.635                 Tammy Ivins on Sure Goes Down Easy            
SCR    400.000                Melissa Roll on Rocks E Firewater             
N/T    414.474                David Trachsel on Oskar Starlight             
N/T    414.724                Judy Frazier on LZK Dashus Dora               
N/T    414.815                Viki Friedrich on DTF Raisin Swift            
N/T    414.964                Nikki Fisher on Taylors Ya Ya Dancer          
N/T    415.024                Kym VanBergen on TK Dualin For Cash           
N/T    415.283                Marty Warren on TheAirsThickWithEnvy          
N/T    416.296                Judy Rowland on Kadee                         
N/T    416.332                Marcie Hyke on Bug Em Matata                  
N/T    417.131                Maridean Weinmann on Nothing Special          
N/T    418.165                Vanda Chess on Poppin Ta Fame                 
N/T    419.197                Jill Atkinson on Upstream Jack                
N/T    419.699                Karen Gleason on See N Fame                   
N/T    420.072                Kathy Pimentel on Holeys Comet                
N/T    420.475                Vanda Chess on RR Babes Olena                 
N/T    423.085                Viki Friedrich on CJ Streak Of Baden          
N/T    423.099                Judy Winters on DTF Currently Dashing         
N/T    426.053                Sharon Woods on Reeces Frost N Star           
N/T    429.351                Judy Poitras on Swix

Jackpot in Senior Sunday   
                               1D Placings                                  
   1st 14.003 $149.13         Jill Atkinson on Upstream Jack                
   2nd 14.036 $124.27         Kelley Petrak on Frosted French Silk          
   3rd 14.110 $ 99.42         Julie Williams on Streaking NHollywood        
   4th 14.118 $ 74.56         Jill Atkinson on LZK Dashus Valentina         
   5th 14.140 $ 49.71         Karen Gleason on See N Fame                   
   6th 14.196         1394    Sue Ruzicka on Rare French Babe               
   7th 14.431                 Viki Friedrich on DTF Raisin Swift            
   8th 14.442                 Jackie Culham on Sum Extra Cash               
   9th 14.453                 Tammy Ivins on Perks Two Bit Dash             
  10th 14.471                 Tammy Ivins on Sure Goes Down Easy            
  11th 14.497                 Vanda Chess on RR Babes Olena                 
                               2D Placings                                  
   1st 14.538 $134.22         Elaine Watt on Jonis Fame                     
   2nd 14.553 $111.85         Kandi Hansen on Turbo Look                    
   3rd 14.570 $ 89.48         Barbara Goss on CE Silver Lining              
   4th 14.582 $ 67.11         Melissa Bieber on LDS Shadaisy                
   5th 14.604 $ 44.74         Brina Holden on WC Sweet Investment           
   6th 14.629                 Dana Gregg on Joey Boonsmall Doc              
   7th 14.657                 Viki Friedrich on CJ Streak Of Baden          
   8th 14.668                 Carol Jones on Dods A Queen                   
   9th 14.676                 Andrea Saracco on Keep Watch N Me             
  10th 14.687                 Wendy McCaffree on Fast Eddie Bug             
  11th 14.692                 Max Haylett on Handsome Child                 
Tie    14.692                 Sue Gibbs on Keeper                           
  13th 14.801                 Rae Lynn Hays on Zans Echol Pine              
  14th 14.820                 Sharon Woods on Reeces Frost N Star           
  15th 14.910                 Yo Curtis on Chickamoon Frost                 
  16th 14.965                 Tammy Pachl on Ba-Bandit                      
  17th 14.982                 Yo Curtis on Tyrones Sienna Wind              
                               3D Placings                                  
   1st 15.019 $114.33         Yo Curtis on Tys Jersey Girl                  
   2nd 15.094 $ 95.28         Karen Gleason on Red Bull Look                
   3rd 15.155 $ 76.22         Linda Lowe on Ten Pana Gold                   
   4th 15.163 $ 57.17         Nikki Fisher on Taylors Ya Ya Dancer          
   5th 15.177 $ 38.11         Jeannette Etchebarne on LF Soon to Be Famous  
   6th 15.235                 Sheila Manley on Perks Avenger                
   7th 15.236                 Tana Riley on TJs Overtime                    
   8th 15.352                 Cindy Rice on Cappy "B"                       
   9th 15.418                 Barbara Jones on Judge John Henry                 
  10th 15.419                 Tana Riley on Diesel                          
  11th 15.478                 Charlene Ulrich on NorfleetsSmokinAce         
                               4D Placings                                  
   1st 15.521 $ 99.42         Stephanie Ryan on Bayonet Biankus             
   2nd 15.578 $ 82.85         Judy Poitras on Swix                          
   3rd 15.708 $ 66.28         Cathy Morgan on Jets Chasin Fame              
   4th 15.779 $ 49.71         Holly Hoff on Docs Painted Remedy             
   5th 16.083 $ 33.14         Dick Seamands on PT Cartels Effort            
   6th 16.103                 Marcie Hyke on Bug Em Matata                  
   7th 16.148                 Maridean Weinmann on Nothing Special          
   8th 16.514                 Rosie Gallaher on Poco Cash Dash              
SCR    400.000                Melissa Roll on Rocks E Firewater             
N/T    408.568                Teri Miller on Avastin                        
N/T    414.575                Marty Warren on TheAirsThickWithEnvy          
N/T    414.582                Judy Frazier on LZK Dashus Dora               
N/T    414.739                Jeannette Etchebarne on HG Tainis Eagle       
N/T    414.752                Sheri Vea on Dazzling Daisy Duke              
N/T    414.866                Kym VanBergen on TK Dualin For Cash           
N/T    414.922                Judy Winters on DTF Currently Dashing         
N/T    414.941                Mary Avery on Juno Sheza Captain "Marley"     
N/T    415.110                Judy Rowland on Kadee                         
N/T    415.128                Henniemar Schak on Sonitas Last Gun           
N/T    415.164                Max Haylett on Jess Chilaxin                  
N/T    415.312                David Trachsel on Oskar Starlight             
N/T    415.908                Kym VanBergen on WD Cash Check Or Charge      
N/T    416.346                Nikki Fisher on Miss French Biancus           
N/T    416.399                Kim Thompson on RJs True Stardust             
N/T    417.482                Viki Friedrich on Blaze Ta Thunder            
N/T    419.572                Kathy Pimentel on Holeys Comet                
N/T    420.138                Stacey Rule on CP Shawne                      
N/T    429.875                Phyllis Owens on Investers Decision